Pics from the Walk

The Taoist walk was a very interesting approach to understanding Taoism. I think, for me at least, the most powerful sensation was the sensation of peace and calmness. It was relaxing just being able to decompress after a long day at school and to walk through the woods and get to hear the birds chirping, as well as the crunch of the twigs underneath your feet and breath in the fresh cool almost autumn air. Having run this course for cross country before it was different being able to just walk through it not having to run and just soak in the surroundings. It was nice to just be able to relax and walk after a long day of school and, for lack of better words,  be at peace. This can be related to Taoism because the central idea revolving around this belief is of the Chi. The chi is a force that supposedly flows through all things and gives them life. So for me, when I went on the walk and stopped trying to do life, I “felt” the chi and it gave me life. This is, I think, the idea behind chi and Taoism, and how it relates to the walk.

One thought on “The Taoist Walk

  1. I think, for me at least, the most powerful sensation was the sensation of peace and calmness. THIS POST IS BEAUTIFUL! YOU MADE IT TO THE GREATEST HITS!

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